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Same Day Flower Bouquets

Spruce Flowers offer fresh flower delivery in North Oaks, Shoreview Arden Hills and White Bear Lake MN

Perfect For All Occasions


Looking for flowers for delivery in North Oaks, Arden Hills or Shoreview? At Spruce we we believe that flowers are a gorgeous asset to enhance any event or moment.

We deliver throughout the 55112, 55126, 55127 zip codes. We deliver to the areas leading employers Abbott, Adobe, Ally, Boston Scientific, Cummins, Fiserv, Hilrom, International Paper, Land O'Lakes, TSI and Westinghouse. When delivering to a workplace we always endevour to complete the delivery before 3pm.

We believe that flowers are never out of place, but we want to make sure that you find the right arrangement to enhance your special day or occasion . We have a selection of floral arrangements for any occasion, from a birthday supper at home, to corporate events and parties at Kelerman's Event Center, North Oaks Golf Club or Shoreview Community Center Spruce Flowers and Events is here to help.

Whatever occasion it is, let Spruce help make it stunning.

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